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At AccessRX, we believe the more you understand your health, the better you can manage it. This means understanding your health issues or concerns and your options for medications, and how those medications may have side effects or work with other medications. It can be daunting, but with the right support through medication therapy management, customers can have more control over their health and wellbeing.

What Is Medication Therapy Management?

individual participating in medication therapy management MTM or medication therapy management is a service designed to optimize therapeutic outcomes for customers. It’s a way our team at AccessRX can help individuals learn more about their treatment regimens and how best to take control of their health and wellbeing. MTM is made up of a broad range of activities and services such as:

  • Performing or obtaining necessary assessments of the patient’s health status
  • Formulating a medication treatment plan
  • Selecting, initiating, modifying, or administering medication therapy
  • Monitoring and evaluating the patient’s responses to medications
  • Regularly reviewing prescriptions to identify, resolve, and prevent medication-related problems
  • Documenting the care and communicating essential information to all primary care providers
  • Offering education and training to enhance patient understanding and appropriate use of medications
  • Providing information, support services, and resources designed to enhance adherence to treatment regimens

Medication therapy management can also be a part of Medicare Part D coverage. This is designed to help individuals understand their healthcare needs and what options are available to them. It’s an excellent way to manage chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or asthma and improve overall health.

Benefits of MTM

Through the medication therapy management, individuals can expect:

  • A comprehensive review of their medications. This means clear language about the reasoning behind taking the medications, so individuals understand how it’s intended to work
  • A written summary of medication review providing individuals with all the information they need to present to doctors or pharmacists going forward.
  • An action plan to help make the best use of medications.

Our pharmacists will discuss all side effects and other interactions with the drugs an individual is taking. This gives customers the knowledge they need to make the most informed choice about their health as possible. It’s also an excellent way to lower costs and voice any issues or problems that may arise.

When someone takes more than one medication or has several chronic health conditions, MTM is probably the most effective way to track medications and one’s progress.

Discover What AccessRX Pharmacy Has to Offer

By actively managing drug therapy and by identifying, resolving, and often preventing medication-related problems, our MTM ensures customers are not only healthier but more in control of their wellness. Other than MTM, our team at AccessRX offers a range of services to help customers. As a full-service pharmacy, individuals will find all their healthcare needs under one roof. However, we also offer several specialty services such as:

  • Safe medication disposal: If you have old, expired, or unused medications, it can be dangerous to get rid of them by merely throwing them in the trash or flushing them down the toilet. We offer safe disposal services so that you and the community are safe.
  • Naloxone: Opioids are potent medications that can cause an accidental overdose. Naloxone can be gotten without a prescription and, when administered correctly, stop or reverse the effects of an overdose saving lives.
  • Medications at discharge: When individuals leave the hospital or rehab, they often have significant changes to their medications. Our team helps deliver and keep track of your medication regimen so that recovery proceeds without an issue.

So reach out to AccessRX today at 877.646.9008 to learn more about how we can help you.